Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
FREE to attend. Registration is required.
817.573.1622GYP HOLIDAY BASH
Grab your Ugly Sweater and join us outdoors for this end of year celebration.
Thank you to our Venue and Drink Sponsor - Tribal Coalition Coffee
Thank you to our supporting sponsor, The Fit Lounge
Registration is REQUIRED to attend the event.
Granbury Young Professionals (GYP) is a program of the Granbury Chamber of Commerce that is designed to provide opportunities for young professionals, 21-40, to develop a personal network, grow professionally, and succeed in business.
Date and Time
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CST
Coffee & Hot Chocolate will be provided by Tribal Coalition Coffee. S'More fixings provided by the Granbury Young Professionals.
There will be a food truck at the event with food available for purchase.
Contact Information
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Did someone say S'mores? Join the Granbury Young Professionals for our end of the year Holiday get together.
Event will be BYOB and BYOC (Bring Your Own Chair). Enjoy outdoor games, firepits and more while building your network with other young professionals in Hood County.
Registration is FREE, but is REQUIRED to attend.
Thank you to our Event Sponsor, Texas Classic Insurance - Krysten Cox
Questions? Email rachael@granburychamber.com
We cannot wait to see you there