Entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in Granbury, Texas as 5th graders from GISD schools learn about and open their own lemonade stands all over the community. As they learn how to start a business, the nationally-recognized Lemonade Day allows these students to put into practice what they have learned about starting and running their own business!
Saturday May 20, 2023
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
Stands will be open from 10 am - 2 pm on Saturday, May 20th
We expect there to be Lemonade Stands all over Granbury and Hood County!
Sponsorships are available NOW!
Brian Bondy - 817-573-1622
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Printed courtesy of www.granburychamber.com/ – Contact the Granbury Chamber of Commerce for more information.
3408 East Highway 377, Granbury, TX 76049 – (817) 573-1622 – info@granburychamber.com